I am well aware that we ended yesterday on a cliffhanger and we all want to know what happens with Rabbi Elazar ben Azarayh. Does he depose Rabbi Gamliel? What…
Year: 2020
Impeachment and the Talmud – Berakhot 27
Although apparently a foregone conclusion, as I write this we are in the midst of President Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate. One group believes President Trump has abused his…
A New Prayer and the Talmud – Berakhot 26
In the middle of today's Daf, we end chapter three and begin chapter four. Unlike the previous chapters, where I could not really understand what the division signified, today we…
Cheech and Chong and the Talmud – Berakhot 25
With today's Daf and half of tomorrow's we conclude our review of how the basest, most scatological of our bodily functions affects our ability to pray. The reading can be…
Women’s Sexuality and the Talmud – Berakhot 24
In order to recite the Shema, we must concentrate on the words of the prayer. The Rabbis are concerned about behaviors and circumstances that will distract us while we (men)…
The Toilet and the Talmud – Berakhot 23
If I am in synagogue and I need to go to the bathroom, I walk out of the sanctuary and go to a clean bathroom with indoor plumbing and then…
Confessions – Talmud Berakhot 22
I have had to start and stop a post on this Daf several times. I am uncertain what to say and that has caused me to fall behind. As I…
Praying With the Community – Berakhot 21
In Jewish prayer practice, certain prayers require a Minyan (historically ten adult males). Today's Daf will find the biblical proof for this practice. There is an emotional side as well.…
Women, Slaves and Minors – Berakhot 20
Yesterday, we learned about the debate as to whether a person can violate a negative commandment to preserve human dignity. Today, we will resolve that debate: we cannot violate prohibitions…
Human Dignity and the Talmud – Berakhot 19
Today’s Daf addresses an extraordinarily sensitive and fundamental question – do we let considerations of human dignity overrule even a biblical prohibition or do we sacrifice human dignity to observe…